Be Part of the Inspiration
March, 2025 is the 40th Anniversary of the start of the "Man in Motion" tour! To honour Rick and Amanda Hansen's inspirational vision, I'm making a music video of my award winning, tribute song "Victorious!" You can be part of this in two ways!
Help fund the music video:
Contributions over $100 will be publicly acknowledged.
Contributions over $1000 will be credited in the video.
Or send me your video clips!
Sing along to the song!
Get your friends to sing along, too!
Do the wave. Dance on a mountain top.
Show yourself overcoming something that seemed impossible to you!
Clips need to be in as good video quality as possible and filmed horizontally in Landscape Mode.
Be sure no minor young people are in your video.
Send the video to:
Put "Victorious Video Contribution - " then your name in the header.
Be sure to tell me, in the body of your email, your name and who's in the video.
Attach your video or a link to where I can download it.
Also attach a signed copy of this release form, one for each person in the video:
I can't wait for you to be a part of this!
Here's the song!