Real Music
for Real Feelings
“Young people have a large range of emotions, thoughts and feelings. Their inner world is vast.
“My children’s concerts meet them in these places. We have fun, yes, and also go into some strong feelings, ones that we all grapple with.
“The concerts are full out, with intricate instrumentals. Not cutsie. Not about issues. It’s about being human.
“Songs range from my original tunes like Raghat Boogie, Stronger than You Know and Heart Wide Open to Andrews Sisters, to Beatles and Simon & Garfunkle. For Jazz Fesitvals, I love to pull young people into the world of jazz with all its energy.
“Early in my career, I was surprised to see young people becoming riveted by the older songs. I think it’s because they’ve not been hearing anything like it. They really respond to the energy of Boogie and Jazz.
“In any case, we’re having fun and they’re feeling seen.“
Best age demographic: 8 to 13.
Plus the parents and grandparents are having a good time.